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"I am one Self, united with my Creator, at one with every aspect of creation, and limitless in power and in peace."

Welcome to the discovery of your true Self!

Dearly Beloved,

Welcome to,, a place of Spiritual Life; Publications, Retreats, and Coaching Offerings presented by The Holy Earth Foundation Co Creator, Isaiah "Kenney". These offerings come to you under the Guidance of Great Spirit, “He doeth the works.” Come and discover your true Self as an extension of Immortal Light, Perfect Love, and  the Deep Peace of Silence. Let's sound the Call.

"I am not a body! I am free! I hear the Voice that God as given me, and it is only this my mind obeys!"

There is no thought that will not gain thereby in power to help the world, and none which will not gain in added gifts to you as well. We sound the call of freedom round the world with this idea.  ACIM Workbook-199

This is a humble healing space of true Wisdom we share in the One Mind of God. Its teachings take inspiration, which means to be in Spirit, from the personal life experience of its Co-Creator and speaker, as well as from the many great sages who have walked this earth. More importantly, it comes forth from the Universal Inspiration Itself, the ONE and ONLY Internal Teacher of Great Silence, Forgiveness, Compassion, and Immortal Light or Life we all share. The Voice of the Will of the One true God, We thank You! - Amen

As its top priority, the site is dedicated to offering the ancient teaching of a Holy Perception of your Self, known as real vision, illumination vision, or christ-vision. A unified field of true perception or perception of wholeness that illuminates the world, bringing with it a halo of light or Christ-Face, and leading to the realization that  "I am one Self limitless in power and in peace". Along with this vision comes a newly remembered language of silence, a communion with the Voice of God that Directs the mind in all things.  Together they are the spiritual replacement and corrected perception for the physical eyes and human ears. The eyes made to see the illusion of separation, darkness, and differences, and the human ear  made to keep minds separate, maintain the addiction to self centered thinking, both of which keep you the in a belief you are a body, slave to grievances and the laws of the world.


This new way of living in Light allows you to stop thinking in time, directing your own life, and perceiving from the beliefs of your false self.  Beliefs that have you caught in the illusion of lack, judgement, guilt, fear, and death stuck in self entanglement and pain.  You will be freed from the prison of the body and sickness of external searching. As your grievances are exchanged for forgiveness you learn to think from your true Self, extending It's Light, surrendering to a effortless life and discover the true nature of reality, a Singularity of immortal Light with no opposite to innocence, love, light, peace, joy and abundance.


All this made possible by miracle or true forgiveness as taught in "A Course In Miracles" and “New Testament”  by the Resurrected One. An understanding of total forgiveness of your Self that has not been taught in most Juedo-Christian thought, the world's many religions, and much of mainstream psychology. A miracle process that uncovers your limitless Self as formless light perceived in the world around you.

Unfortunately the unhealed healers of the world, these many organizations and sects of the so-called spiritual, religious, and healing professionals unconsciously advocate a separate identity, duality, judgement, and guilt. In many cases pointing to problems that seem to exist outside and offer external cures. They claim to be advocates for inclusion while celebrating differences, living in an illusion of inclusion, as they attempt make illusions truth instead of bringing their illusions to truth.  In ignorance, they foster division, specialness, inequality, competition, and a sense of lack. They live in the sick belief that separate interests are possible outside of illusions and that illusions have value. Beliefs that inevitably results in inner conflict that is expressed externally in our relationships on the personal level and as wars on the collective level between organizations or nations, and as world wide poverty.

"As you see others you will see yourself. As you treat others you will treat yourself. As you think of others you will think of yourself. Never forget this, for in this you will lose yourself or find your Self." Jesus - A Course in Miracles

New Testament Teaching  of the Holy Perception

"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness."  Words of Jesus in Mathew 6:22-23 KJV  Sermon on the Mount

These are beautiful worlds spoken by the Master Teacher of Teachers about illumination of mind, the Spiritual Eye, and Real or Christ Vision.

A Course in Miracles Teaching

of the Holy Perecption

Jesus Teaching - Christ Vision

 "Only the mind is capable of illumination. The Soul is already illuminated, and the body in itself is too dense. The mind, however, can bring its own illumination to the body by recognizing that density is the opposite of intelligence, and therefore unamenable to independent learning. It is, however, easily brought into alignment with a mind which has learned to look beyond density toward light. Corrective learning always begins with awakening the Spiritual Eye, and turning away from belief in physical sight." T2-C18:19 Urtex ACIM

Commentaries by Isaiah "Kenney "11/16/2023


One feels many people in the world are unaware of all illumination entails, however many believe they do. They deny the Light of Truth and say that the experience of Light is nothing more than a mystical experience.


I submit to you illumination means stillness of mind, peace, clarity, unconditional love, and transcendence of the body identity, but it also means what it says in its fullness. It is the discovery that Reality is the limitless Light of Creation. Yes it is the understanding you are Awareness, which is formless, but it seems to me Awareness or the Self is never really divoroced from Light, however it may not be experienced as such.  Being of the same Order they are the extenision of God and the Self or Christ, which is how the One knows its Self.


Awakening to Light literally involves a Higher Light, a light without heat, within the mind that shines on the brain as one's mind remembers its mind is not a brain but rather immortal Light.  This awaking to the Real is brought about by a spiritual insight. This Light has a profound impact on the brain cell and structure of the brain, which undergoes a mutation wiping out the synapse structure used by the false egoic identity that lives in darkness.  


This can only be understood by a student experientialy who has gone through the process of "the reinterpretation of defenses" as the insight itself brought about by a willingness to end all division in the mind and therefore all darkness. A mind moving toward being truly loving remembering its real nature as immortal light. A process where mental principles were being used in defense of the belief and misperception of separation, differences, time, vulnerability, and duality or darkness are now being used in defense of undoing the separation heading towards the reintegration of Mind. A new goal of at-one-moment with corrected perception of oneness with reality and discovery of a shared luminous Mind and Being of God as one Self is undergone.


These newly reinterpreted defenses uniformly lack a key characteristic of the egoic or devilish mind's thought system. Each defense lacks attack, attack breeding division, as right defense is understood in alignment with defenselessness ending a vicious cycle of maintaining illusions or false projections of the mind. The former egoic defenses held up the illusion of attack, a separation of cause and effect, through defense maintaining a body and victim identity, darkness in the mind, and an unwillingness to bring darkness to the Light where mental errors are abolished.


Helping the world see that our only Real Strength lay in defenselessness as the only right defense is the Great Crusade of all true teachers.  In truth it is the only way illusions end and enteral safety is remembered. Let us never forget the Master as Yeshua proved it beyond question.


As this process unfolds there is a release of the inner Light. The “works of the flesh” begin to be seen as deeply cherished defective character traits used by the fictitious character, the ego self, with it's false personality as assets to maintain a body identity and begin to be laid by and withdrawn from. Simultaneously the many “fruits of Spirit” are discovered as characteristics of God’s teachers and treasured as part of their real nature as the one Self. Through the conviction of teaching them they are awoken, each day learned and more deeply instilled until fully realized.

"When a mind has only light, it knows only light. Its own radiance shines all around it, and extends outward into the darkness of other minds, transforming them into majesty." Jesus - ACIM -The State of Grace

 "I am one Self."

Let all your errors go by recognizing them for what they are. They are attempts to keep you unaware you are one Self, united with your Creator, at one with every aspect of creation, and limitless in power and in peace. This is the truth, and nothing else is true. Today we will affirm this truth and try to reach the place in you in which there is no doubt that only this is true. Practice today with this assurance, offered to your mind with all the certainty that you can give:


"I am one Self, united with my Creator, at one with every aspect of creation, and limitless in power and in peace."

Then close your eyes and tell yourself again, slowly and thoughtfully, attempting to allow the meaning of the words to sink into your mind, replacing false ideas with:

 "I am one Self."

Repeat this several times, and then attempt to feel the meaning that the words convey. You are one Self, united and secure in light and joy and peace. You are God’s Son, one Self, with one Creator and one goal; to bring awareness of this oneness to all minds, that true creation may extend the allness and the unity of God. You are one Self, complete and healed and whole, with power to lift the veil of darkness from the world, and let the light in you come through to teach the world the truth about yourself.

You are one Self, in perfect harmony with all there is, and all that there will be. You are one Self, the holy Son of God, united with your brothers in that Self; united with your Father in His Will. Feel this one Self in you, and let It shine away all your illusions and your doubts. This is your Self, the Son of God Himself, sinless as Its Creator, with His strength within you and His Love forever yours. You are one Self, and it is given you to feel this Self within you, and to cast all your illusions out of the one Mind that is this Self, the holy truth in you.

Do not forget today. We need your help; your little part in bringing happiness to all the world. And Heaven looks to you in confidence that you will try today. Share, then, its surety, for it is yours. Be vigilant. Do not forget today. Throughout the day do not forget your goal. Repeat today’s idea as frequently as possible, and understand each time you do so, someone hears the voice of hope, the stirring of the truth within his mind, the gentle rustling of the wings of peace.

Your own acknowledgment you are one Self, united with your Father, is a call to all the world to be at one with you. To everyone you meet today, be sure to give the promise of today’s idea and tell him this:

You are one Self with me, united with our Creator in this Self. I honor you because of What I am, and What He is, Who loves us both as One.

Excerpt from Workbook Lesson 95 of " A Course In Miracles".

Jesus Teaching Real Vision Halo - I am One Self
I am one Self - Bodhisattva Halo
I am One Self - Krishna Real Vision Halo
I am One Self - Siddhartha Real Vision Halo

"As you see others you will see yourself. As you treat others you will treat yourself. As you think of others you will think of yourself. Never forget this, for in this you will lose yourself or find your Self." Jesus - A Course in Miracles

I am one Self  - A Course In Miracles Teachings
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            I am one Self!

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