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Isaiah 40:29-31
He gives strength to the weary
   and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary,
   and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord
   will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
   they will run and not grow weary,
   they will walk and not be faint.


Who is Isaiah "Kenney"?

Well, nobody really. One grew up with a false identity and personality named Kenny Zimbleman, the "me". A mental conditioned entity, caught in the process of trying to become something, ran my life and I thought I was a body. That is what my life meant when I had a profound insight in which living meant dying to that conditioning, no longer becoming anything, and I saw a Holy Perception of my Self.  What does that mean and what's the different name about? Is it a alter or spiritual ego? No. This name doesn’t point to a human face except for practical purpose, or to someone seemingly special. Instead it points a willingness to hear the quite Voice of the Holy Spirit and to do what is required of you to accept His gift of Christ Face, Real Vision, or Holy Perception as your top priority and learn of the miracle forgiveness of  God. 


A person who is Isaiah "Kenney" doesn’t exist. The name simply points to Truth. Just like you, Isaiah "Kenney" was never born and so he can not die. Just like you, he has no personal history of which to define himself and no separate identity and intelligence to call his own. Do you think you do? What has meaning is what the name Isaiah "Kenney" conveys as a spiritual teaching and the various spiritual principles and themes it stands for as an aid in the healing process and as a pointer to our true nature. A nature that has no “form identity" devoid of all labels, opposites, divisions, past, and is essentially nameless in the shared identity of Christ or one Self, in the formless realm of existence within immortal light. The name Isaiah forever points to our nameless name, the one we all share in Christ-Mind, a Mind of Infinite Light. A name that can never really be spoken because it can only be understood in the language of heaven, which is silence, and that which is truly immeasurable. 


So if you wouldn’t mind please call me "Kenney" and we will let Isaiah be what it is intended to be………… a call to "Be still and know that I am God" or the ever present Now.............  Many may find it helpful to introduce a moment of silence before addressing me or anyone for that matter. A pause of stillness in which to identify and discover your Self as that very silence as a part of God. A place of no place in which to discovery an aspect of your true Self as the silent awareness, that is our shared identity prior to identification as a form or the body-mind complex of the ego self with its separateness, specialness, and false personality.


Isaiah "Kenney" points to fundamental healing truth that has been around since time began. A resting place in timelessness, in the eternal now, that allows the illusion of time to be transcended. A truth that forever puts spiritual principles before personalities. A healing principle that dissolves them and ensures that a person's name, " Isaiah Kenney", is nothing more than a convenience and temporary teaching aid used for and by minds that are caught in a private mind, out of harmonious Governance, and lost in descriptions having forgotten their native language of silence, and lost their Self.


The biblical name Isaiah means “God Saves”. It comes from the hebrew prophet named Yeshayahu or Yesah-yahu, which means Yahweh is Salvation. It is very similar the Yeshua meaning Savior in which God or Yahweh is implicit. Yahewh meaning a very simple "to be", which means stillness, the Love of God, or the Forgiveness of God. How deep this truth is and thank God, for we would forever be stuck in our illusions. One could also say “Silence Saves” or “Awareness Saves”. A question one should ask themselves is, “Is this true for me?”.  Can we agree we can’t solve our problem unless we are aware we have one and that we may overlook the problem unless we take just a moment to be silent and listen, or better listen to the Voice of Silence. Otherwise, we are caught listening to another voice, the noisy thoughts of the  egoic mind, and completely identified as those thoughts and this body as yourself. A tyrannical voice that states the problem is always somewhere out there in the world where the solutions are right?


Perhaps it’s true that Silences answers all questions about life? Should it be placed above all else you will find out the Answer to that question if you stand in Silence and as Awareness as your Self. Perhaps you will discover an ancient truth and know that those who know the Silence know the Lord. A Lord who discloses all things to us in the quiet of our hearts making all things possible.


This principle of placing or coming to believe in a Higher Principle above your little self has been taught widely in the miracle rooms of “12 Step Recovery”. One chiefly being the foundational principle of anonymity ever reminding us to place principles before personalities. It should never be misunderstood, as it is by many, as a rational to maintain a private mind in fear of stigmatization of others promoting the illusion that privacy is the same as safety. The truth of spiritual anonymity couldn’t be farther from that, for that's the problem itself. Instead, it points again to those who have discovered their names need not be uttered and their false identities need not be shielded.  They have no need for self-reference, self-promotion, gossip, and personal credit for anything. They need only live in the truths, “there but for the Grace of God go I” and "nothing real can threatened, nothing unreal exists".


In the rooms of the anonymous, we are all the same focusing only on similarities not differences, unified always in our common welfare and Singleness of purpose. In group consciousness, as it is the mystical Quaker tradition, we share One Mind and listen to the One Voice in silence of a loving Authority. A Stillness that speaks to us and who takes over our lives and delivers us salvation.


It’s my great hope that today you read this and it dawned on you that resting in silent awareness as your Self should be the focal point of your life and it’s become your life's mission to live in its limitless strength. Such is the strength of God! Place this principles before your own personality, discover Christ Vision, and renew your strength every moment of your life, until the past is gone and times becomes eternity. This is your holy instant of release as your escape from time. Do this and you will walk not grow weary, you will run and not be faint, you will fly again as the angel you are forever and ever!


God's Saves! God bless us everyone!


Isaiah "Kenney"



"There is a huge silence inside each of us that beckons us into itself, and the recovery of our own silence can begin to teach us the langue of heaven."


- Meister Eckhart -

More about the speaker.

In later summer of 2014 I awoke from a drug overdose and was ready to take the hand of something Higher. My pointless life had run it's course. One the road to recovery I met a blind AA old timer who would change my life. He asked me a simple question and told me when I arrived at the right answer I would discover something miraculous, a life beyond anything I could presently imagine. Was I willing to make a choice to love everyone in my life as myself? Something in me shook afraid and something stirred reborn. He than began to tell me what I already new but was so afraid of. That the opposite of love is fear but what is all encompassing can have no opposite.


Don't be afraid to love my friends. I'm hear to tell you I made the choice-less choice and so can you. I choose love, will you? If you want freedom from fear don't delay and chose today.


That moment changed life. I began to let go of the wicked nature of the false self.  In the great worlds of Krishnamurti ,"The me and the not me. The us and them.", began to die and I "crossed out the "I"" .  I began living in the "Steps" ,practicing the workbook of A Course In Miracles, and worked with Jiddu. My life now meant dying to my old identity as a mind identified as body form, thinking for a center, and  all kinds of egoistic conditioning. It was the beginning of the end of division in my own mind as I began to see other's interest as my own and refused to be divided anymore by differences of politics, religion, race, sex, age, country, or sect. Through the power of prayer and miracle power of true forgiveness I learned by practicing the ACIM workbook study the miraculous took place.


In later winter 2015 I saw a holy perception of my Self. A holy vision of a golden halo of Light around heads of everyone as a reflection of Oneness, Self sameness, and as my true Self. This experience of Christ Vision was another moment that changed one's life as the mind illuminated full of Light. For a time period, known as a out of pattern time interval, I was free of comparison, judgement, and a perception of differences. Free from looking at the world through a foggy lens of past learning suddenly I was one with world.  "I am God's Son no longer separate from my Source" is a lesson that filled my mind with Light. As I turned away for the belief in physical site a spiritual eye awakened and I saw the world with Real Vision and so can you. The gentle lies of the eyes forgotten as I began to enter a world sameness, wholeness, immortal Light, and the endless love of God. A world of Light  behind the veil of the physical world of form. A place quite literally where we fly as the angels we are, as rainbow body of Light, in an endless sky of light. A immortal reality unknown by most of the world that has be deepening in ones mind everyday for many years now.


Today I stand here continuing to ascend into a heavenly realm as one's life's work, a ongoing mediation of forgiveness deepening my focus on eternity and strengthening my vision. You see real or holy vision comes in glimpses at first as your learn to choose Spirit and Light(the formless) instead of the flesh(form) as who you are, which is how you perceive others. As you learn to chose joy instead pleasure(which is pain), constancy instead variation, and sameness instead of a differences, you longing for God grows and with that the desire to make vision constant.


Never the less ever since that day I have been crossing the bridge from time to eternity. We been leaving the borderland behind and letting go deeper still, aspects of the ego self and relinquishing the dream of separation from God and are bothers. Discovering a limitless mind under the direction of The Resurrected One.


As a speaker for "I am one Self " one represents a source of Truth in the world. I teach A Course In Miracles, the Bible, and discuss many other spiritual teachings. I have had many teachers on my journey that have helped me tremendously that I advocate for. Such as the great Vernon Howard, Father Anthony de Mello, Guy Finley, Eckart Tolle, Barry Long, Rupert Spira, Sri Nisaragatta Maharaj, Lao Tzu, Dr Sanjay Raghav, Rumi, Earnest Holmes, Chuck Anderson, Ramana Maharshi, and many more.


At the same time I let my own work speak for itself. Listen to this teaching and feel the Truth ring. When you do, I'm asking you to join me on the bridge as we help our fellows cross over and come to the Truth that all mystics master speak of. So take my hand as I take yours for we are rooted deeply in Spirit. Together as One we go carrying our touches into the dark caverns of the ego mind. Our love for one another lights the way!


I want to be clear I make no claims to have completely risen above my own ego but only to have an awareness and understanding of spiritual laws and states of being others may not. I'm not the world foremost authority on anything nor am I a master of the times. I consider myself only to be a teacher of God. One who has his own experience, insights, and discovered practices to share with world because they have brought me some peace, joy, love, the Light of God, the Voice of the One, and a relationship my Teacher.

I hope you enjoy the talks and other media to come. I want you all to know I'm just like you, for I am you. I don't have all the answers but I know the only Answer and Truth lives hear. I Trust you will hear it ring.  Meditate with me as we discovery together. Listen to my Voice and hear Yours. Answer the Call of Atonement(at-one-ment) and re-integrate your minds. Discovery the Truth that you are beautiful beyond measure, a limitless mind, immortal Light, the Love that you are, and that you are One Self.


I want to thank the Holy Spirit and our resurrected mind know as Jesus who guides this endeavor. And I want to thank YOU for making the right choice today to choose love over fear. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me.  I'm available to talk to anyone who will listen.


Love your Self. All my Love! God Saves!!!


Isaiah "Kenney"


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