"I am one Self, united with my Creator, at one with every aspect of creation, and limitless in power and in peace."
Artwork By Visionary Ayahuasca Artist David Esquibel Amaringo
Welcome to psychedelic mystic teachings inspired by
A Course in Miracles. Explore and discover what "Magic Assisted Psychotherapy" is with plant medicine and entheogens. Read the articles and check for the latest retreats and coaching offerings.
Dearly Beloved,
Much has been written about what plant medicine, entheogens, or psychedelic compounds are, their role in spirituality, and their capacity for healing. There have been many spiritual teachers who have spoken against them and others who have spoken for them. The Holy Earth Foundation Co. through the “I am one Self” platform, is here to speak out and help provide some answers to still questioning minds and the minds of others who have reached erroneous conclusions. One is also here to provide guidance and integration support, through Spiritual Life Coaching or Spiritual Retreat, for those who have decided to explore their healing potential and resonate with these teachings of Truth.
Teachings that offer you the opportunity to learn and practice miracle or true forgiveness and discover the beauty of spiritual sight, real vision or Christ-Vision in the field of psychotherapy with these medicines and discover you are one Self. That said these medicines are not for everyone. They are not necessary for everyone on their healing journey, only the silent Voice of true forgiveness is. They are only for those who feel Called to them as an aide in their process of recovery from the ego’s thought system separation, of judgment, guilt, and fear of others and God in the belief you’re body. One suggests that before you condemn this teaching, be willing to thoroughly investigate and find out the truth of the matter instead of living in fear and or ignorance of what you don’t understand.
Be open to the perspective these are medicines from the point of view of the teaching of “A Course In Miracles”, the shamanic healers of the world, and my own direct experience ingesting a variety of medicines in a miracle-minded meditative practice in solitude, as well as in the community since 2015. Over the years I have sat with LSD, MDMA, and psilocybin on many numerous occasions. I have done swork with phenethylamines and iboga & ibogaine as well. The vast majority of my work in this field has been with 5-MeO-DMT and N,N-DMT, and mostly with the MOAI Ayahuasca. A magical brew I have embraced many many dozens of times, which includes a non-traditional setting at home in the US and with 6 different families of the Peruvian Amazon.
Consider reading the many articles here to learn all you can and subscribe to our publications. Visit the retreats paged to see current all current retreats offerings. Don't hesitate to reach out for coaching and information.
I am here to testify these tools can assist a person in understanding spiritual truths such as the following:
The addiction to self-centered thought or the ego’s thought system. (Ayahuasca)
Looking at the world with an open mind and heart with the curiosity of a child, you discover Christmas every day making it easy to learn. So many boxes to shake and gifts to open. (LSD)
The authority problem or problem of using time to make a false image of yourself and others, which brings division and therefore conflict in relationships. (MDMA)
Miracle or true forgiveness is the answer to healing your most challenging problems. As you see, think, and treat others, you will treat yourself.(All forms of psychedelics I worked with. What a miracle!!!!!)
When you turn away from your belief in physical sight you begin to live with spiritual sight. We are afraid of the Light spiritual site shows us until we are not. (All forms of psychedelics I worked with.)
Everyone has a song in their heart they have to play. If don’t play your song you will be depressed in denial of Self expression. (Ayahuasca)
"Separation is not a solution it's a delusion". Leave the communion of the Tribe of Light and discover darkness and pain. Stay in the sacred heart and join your brothers there. Sing together in Spirit, see the Light, and feel the Joy of Being. (Ayahuasca)
When you drop being a critic of yourself and others, letting go of grievances, living in past hurts, and opinions a miracle of love occurs. You are completely open without the wish for a private mind and enter into communion with those around you. You feel real intimacy, trust, love, and peace. (MDMA)
If you defend yourself you are attacked. (Ayahuasca)
You as silence and stillness are immeasurable and limitless peace. Sound has nothing to do with who you really are and your native language of Silence. (Ayahuasca)
The nature of Reality, God, and Self is Light. (Iboga, Ayahuasca/DMT, Psilocybin, LSD, and so many others)
Grievances are what keep the mind sick and shackled to the body. Let go of them and you can enter other dimensions of existence beyond the physical world. (Ayahuasca, Psilocybin)
You fear silence and stillness as your Self and realize that the movement of self-centered thought keeps the false image going. (Ayahuasca, Psilocybin)
When you surrender to what is happening and allow it instead of fighting, which is thinking, you heal. (Ayahuasca, Psilocybin)
If you step back; by dropping your own judgment, motives, figuring, and let the Spirit guide your thoughts with inspiration, you experience peace and limitless creativity of the mind. (Psilocybin)
Learn the happy habit of salvation when ever something seems tot threaten you. Say this and choose Christ as your strength and learn to let go of weakness. Each time you grown stronger. “I am God's Son, His Son can suffer nothing, and I am God’s Son”. (Ayahuasca, Psilocybin)
The teaching here is expressed in language or point of view from "A Course of Miracles ", which does in fact advocate for the use of these medicines as safe and temporary healing devices or in "Course" terms, “magic”. Discover what "magic" is used by the dark mind with eyes that can not see, or by the Mind of Light and the Eye that is ever upon you.
Learn about “Magic Assisted Psychotherapy”.
Artwork By Visionary Ayahuasca Artist David Esquibel Amaringo
Truth you will have to find out for your Self!
Plant medicine”, entheogens, and/or psychedelic compounds are a very extensive topic as it transverses the entire field of healing consciousness, which includes all healing forms of spiritual law. A truth for today's world is, this is an area of great misunderstanding and false pride. Sometimes it's better understood as an incomplete understanding or misinformation due to ignorance, cultural conditioning, profiteering, and propaganda. This has produced fear, disdain, and bad practice in many spiritual circles and in today's modern medicine. This includes the ignorance of many; 12 Step recovery organizations such as AA and NA, mainstream religions, teachings of indigenous plant medicine cultures that go back thousands of years, vital ancient spiritual traditions such as Vedanta, and the many forms of modern phyco-therapy, such as a Ketamine treatment.
This can't be allowed to remain in consciousness.
Join the "Great Crusade" to eradicate it.
The wold is an optical illusion. A mental projection that is a magic trick. The false perception that says you own mind is not the creator of you own mental movie or dream. The world is your own effect. You are cause of your experience. The illusion of separation from cause and effect is the trick of ego upheld by false beliefs in time, use of false judgement, grievances, and projecting blame or guilt.
Learn of miracle forgiveness and true perception with the spiritual eye and magic assisted psychotherapy of plant medicine & psychedelics.
A Course In Miracles Teachings & Enthoegens
"Miracles are thought‐creations. Thought can create lower order or higher‐order realities. This is the basic distinction between intellectualization and thinking. One creates the physical, and the other spiritual, we believe in what we create."
"YOU are a miracle. God creates only “that which, or one who, is of surpassing excellence or merit.” Man is capable of this kind of creation, too, being in the image and likeness of his own Creator. Anything else is only his own nightmare, and does not exist. Only the Creations of Light are real."
Words of Jesus in Urext of ACIM T1B12b & T1B23b
These are beautiful quotes from Chapter 1 in ACIM Urtex in the section on the principles of miracles. They speak to both how thought creates our world and the spiritual eye. A understanding we can learn about with etheogens.
Artwork By Visionary Ayahuasca Artist David Esquibel Amaringo
The Power of Etheogens in Spiritual Practice
"Many of us are living a night dream. We are told the world and our direct experience is a reflection of our inner condition but we don't know how to change it. We know we are holding on to bad ideas about ourselves producing our personal hell but don't know how let go. We are in love with ideas that keep us sick that we hide from ourselves. We are a slaves to addiction in our hunger for the false rewards of the world. Deeper still, we addicted to self-center thought, playing the victim, external searching for solutions that don't work, and the belief we are a body.
Magic assisted psychotherapy with medicines such as Ayahuasca, Pscilocybin, and Iboga have a lot to offer. The can assist a person in letting go of the past and the many false narratives we tell ourselves which make and keep the nightmare going. As the great spiritual mental amplifiers they are, they force us to look at ourselves and drop what is no longer serving us. They are tremendous temporary external solutions that miraculously help us look inward for the solution, just like a great holy book. Tools that help us understand how to let go of judgement, guilt, and grievances, as the deep sickness of the darkness of mind. They help us understand the power of mind and light. The what you make manifest we believe is real.
In case of Ayahuasca, Pscilocybin, and Iboga, they open the spiritual eye in ways that are indeed miraculous, opening the scared heart at the same time. As we let of our grievances by practicing the teaching of miracle forgiveness with this teaching aides, we discover we are not body to visit beautiful spiritual worlds of light and love, we angels fly as the beautiful expression as our Self. We discover we can't die!
Commentaries by Isaiah "Kenney" 6/25/2024
“From experience, I came to learn that ayahuasca bestows upon the user knowledge about a variety of topics, not only consciousness and perception, but also leads one to realize that what we perceive is an illusion.” — Maestro Ayahuasquero and Legendary Visionary Artist Pablo Amaringo Shuña
What is magic?
What is magic? Magic equates to an optical illusion. The illusion of separation and belief your are a body. It is a false perception of differences as judgments that use space and time as a mental projection producing an image that consists of touch, taste, smell, sight, instinct, and emotional feelings that bear witness to a world that is not real and solutions that seem to have lasting effects but don’t. A false perception that tells you externals are the holy grail. The source of this optical illusion or the image of this world experienced through the physical eyes, is veiled, denying your mind is the actual cause and the world you see is your own effect. And denying the fact that your own mind gives externals, including all medicines, all the power that they have to make you sick or help to heal your mind. The function of ego is to do just that, to live in denial you always get the outcome you want.
Teaching by Isaiah "Kenney " 6/25/2024
Artwork By Visionary Ayahuasca Artist David Esquibel Amaringo
Truths of plant medicine, psychedelics, magic, and A Course In Miracles.
A magic assisted psychotherapy.
“As all therapy is psychotherapy, so all illness is mental illness. It is a judgment on the Son of God, and judgment is a mental activity. Judgment is a decision, made again and again, against creation and its Creator. It is a decision to perceive the universe as you would have created it. It is a decision that truth can lie and must be lies. What, then, can illness be except an expression of sorrow and of guilt? And who could weep but for his innocence? ""Once God’s Son is seen as guilty, illness becomes inevitable. It has been asked for and will be received. And all who ask for illness have now condemned themselves to seek for remedies that cannot help, because their faith is in the illness and not in salvation.”“Healing is therapy or correction, and we have said already and will say again, all therapy is psychotherapy. To heal the sick is but to bring this realization to them.” (ACIM, P-2.IV.1:1–3:7)
"Physical medications are forms of “spells,” but if you are afraid to use the mind to heal, you should not attempt to do so. The very fact that you are afraid makes your mind vulnerable to miscreation. You are therefore likely to misunderstand any healing that might occur, and because egocentricity and fear usually occur together, you may be unable to accept the real Source of the healing. Under these conditions, it is safer for you to rely temporarily on physical healing devices, because you cannot misperceive them as your own creations. " (ACIM, T-2.V.2:1-6)
“All material means that you accept as remedies for bodily ills are restatements of magic principles. This is the first step in believing that the body makes its own illness. It is a second misstep to attempt to heal it through non-creative agents. It does not follow, however, that the use of such agents for corrective purposes is evil. Sometimes the illness has a sufficiently strong hold over the mind to render a person temporarily inaccessible to the Atonement. In this case it may be wise to utilize a compromise approach to mind and body, in which something from the outside is temporarily given healing belief. This is because the last thing that can help the non-right-minded, or the sick, is an increase in fear. They are already in a fear-weakened state. If they are prematurely exposed to a miracle, they may be precipitated into panic. This is likely to occur when upside-down perception has induced the belief that miracles are frightening.” (ACIM, T-2.IV.4:1-10)
"Healing must occur in exact proportion to which the valuelessness of sickness is recognized. One need but say, “There is no gain at all to me in this” and he is healed. But to say this, one first must recognize certain facts. First, it is obvious that decisions are of the mind, not of the body. If sickness is but a faulty problem-solving approach, it is a decision. And if it is a decision, it is the mind and not the body that makes it. The resistance to recognizing this is enormous, because the existence of the world as you perceive it depends on the body being the decision maker. Terms like “instincts,” “reflexes” and the like represent attempts to endow the body with non-mental motivators. Actually, such terms merely state or describe the problem. They do not answer it.
The acceptance of sickness as a decision of the mind, for a purpose for which it would use the body, is the basis of healing. And this is so for healing in all forms. A patient decides that this is so, and he recovers. If he decides against recovery, he will not be healed. Who is the physician? Only the mind of the patient himself. The outcome is what he decides that it is. Special agents seem to be ministering to him, yet they but give form to his own choice. He chooses them in order to bring tangible form to his desires. And it is this they do, and nothing else. They are not actually needed at all. The patient could merely rise up without their aid and say, “I have no use for this.” There is no form of sickness that would not be cured at once.
What is the single requisite for this shift in perception? It is simply this; the recognition that sickness is of the mind, and has nothing to do with the body. What does this recognition “cost”? It costs the whole world you see, for the world will never again appear to rule the mind. For with this recognition is responsibility placed where it belongs; not with the world, but on him who looks on the world and sees it as it is not. He looks on what he chooses to see. No more and no less. The world does nothing to him. He only thought it did. ¹Nor does he do anything to the world, because he was mistaken about what it is. Herein is the release from guilt and sickness both, for they are one. Yet to accept this release, the insignificance of the body must be an acceptable idea. "(ACIM, M-5.II.1:1–3:12)
"These are very powerful sections! Read them again and again and observe your own life.
As you can see the ego’s magic trick denies that you are the world and the world is you produced by your own thoughts. An illusion of projected thought identification in time. What magic does is, it seems to separate the field of experience or states of mind into levels, that seem to be independent and a cause unto themselves, much of which appears to be antecedent to your own thinking or existence on earth.
The trick of the ego is one of a perceived separation of cause and effect through the use of false belief, space and time, judgment, blame or guilt, and the perception of differences, among other mental facilities, rendering much of your experience of living in the world as a state of being in a powerless duality. A state in which you are pushed around internally and seemingly externally by external forces of all kinds including the elements, disease, and demands of the body. This is the story of separation from God and the belief in duality, which again is an optical illusion. The ego is the magician part of your mind that wants you to believe that life happens to you outside of your own choices and that physical matter is beyond your control.
Let’s clear up a few ideas now with more to come in the future. Mis-creations can be both harmful or helpful. A mis-creation is any thought creation that doesn’t last forever. We are not in creation, we are in a world where nothing lasts and don’t understand the power of our minds. We need temporary healing help because we live in a temporary world in which we believe in its laws, and are afraid to let go of the instruments of the world because we believe in what we made.
Many of us are not in a state of mind in which we are able to accept an undiluted miracle, which is a correction in mind that heals a grievance without assistance from externals. We may be a person who relies on insulin, dialysis, or needs heart surgery. These are externals or magical solutions to problems of the mind in which the person should use externals to help heal, keeping them stable, and living in less fear so they can learn and address the condition in the mind. This is no different from a person suffering from so-called IBS, ADD, OCD, PTSD, addiction to opiates, or the belief you are a body, who begins to address the illness with ayahuasca, ketamine treatment , MDMA, or iboga. Every illness listed above is one of sick belief, emotion, and thinking. The sickness of believing you are body, a slave to guilt, or a slave to the conditions around you which are your own mind. A belief you are weak and vulnerable which is what the body is. Only vision corrects this because it is the replacement for the image of being a body. The power of this vision can be brought with you into your “magic assisted psychotherapy”, as you learn to practice miracle forgiveness as your way of life. The Holy Earth Foundation will help you.
What is "magic assisted psychotherapy" with psychedelics and entheogens? We learned from the above ACIM quotes that all therapy is psychotherapy because everything is mental or of the psyche and caused by our own minds. We heal when we decide we want recovery and always get outcome that we choose. The tools, teachers, healers that come to us bring tangible results to our desires. We also learned that all medicines are spells or magic, otherwise stated as reflection of our own minds to heal. To case a spell is to put your belief or intention into something and now you can do it consciously. It is the power of our own minds that make us sick or heal. Don't listen to the magic lies of ego that say you are powerless and use magic rightly. Using physical substances to heal yourself is not evil, it is a loving act from God we use with spiritual intention to heal the psyche as learn about the power of mind. We also learned that if you feel guilty or make other feel guilty you stay sick. A magical solution is anything from outside ourselves to help hurt or heal ourselves. This includes things like food and money as well. If you don't feel guilty for using food or money to heal or be healthy then why should we feel guilty for using the beautiful magic of plant medicine? We are the innocent children of God. It is this psychedelics and entheogens teach us. Isn't that real magic!
We need “magic assisted psychotherapy”, which includes psychedelics, where we can begin to make the mindless mindful. We can accept the power of our minds and live in intention as we instruct our minds to heal the mind and therefore heal the body. We do this with the goal of letting go of magic spells or medicine, which we can use safely, as we learn to stand without externals in all forms and rely only on the Voice of God in Silence. A Voice that teaches us how to use what we have been using to imprison our minds in a dream of attack to free our minds. With the Mind we use the power of desire, the acceptance of an idea or belief, and faith in a healing dream in which we see the world reborn in the Light of Forgiveness. When we are ready we can let go of all medicines, including “A Course In Miracles” and all our books. Those were just externals too. Just another form of external medicine or the problem of external agency. A topic for another day
Commentaries by Isaiah "Kenney " 06/25/2024
"Our fathers ate the manna in the desert; as it is written, ‘He gave them bread from heaven to eat." Then Jesus said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, Moses did not give you the bread from heaven, but My Father gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world." Then they said to Him, "Lord, give us this bread always." And Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst. John: 6.31-35
Jesus was a Master Teacher of miracle forgiveness and spiritual-vision. I feel his teaching is no different from Ayahuasca. It calls us to forgive and see your Self beyond the body. It teaches you what you need to learn, which is to let of of grievances and external searching for solutions to discover the Oneness of Light. This includes Ayahuasca, the jungles living book, at some point early on or later in life. It is the great paradox of Ayahuasca as manna. Master Teacher and Visionary Artist Pablo Amaringo learned it and taught beyond question. He was a man of great compassion and forgiveness.
Tales of Enthegons
I'm going to be sharing tales of some my journeys in the Peruvian amazon and beyond over the last 7 years or so. I have learned so much from enthegons and feel there are some many spiritual teachers that don't appreciative their transformative potential.
I've very grateful to Deepak Chopra and Ram Dass for speaking out and being advocates on the world stage of spirituality. And to Sasha & Ann Shulgin, Darrell Lemaire, Joe Rogan, Rick Strassman, Hamilton Morris, Casey Hardison, Graham Hancock, Terence & Dennis McKennawell, Alfredo's family, the family of Matilda Gomez, the Amaringo-Shuna-Perez Rio lineage, the Banko Runa, and so many others. You are my family and inSpired this work. Thank you!
I'd like to hear about your experiences as well, both the good and bad. Please write to me at info@iamoneself.com
Master of Ceremonies - Shibipo Ayahusaqerie Shaman
My First Experience with Ayahuasca - Angels and Light
Part 1:
It was one year after I had initially experienced a holy perception of my Self or the golden halo formed. My spiritual vision had continued to strengthen practicing the ACIM mediations. I had been working with the Holy Spirit after the initial illumination and had become aware I had entered a world of angels. These were visionary experiences of angels, transparent light at times and other times as beautiful rainbow beings. It would come and go. I had terrible headaches at times and was terribly confused. I had begun doing research online to determine if there were others that were experiencing what felt like a continuous psychic surgery in which debris was being removed from my mind. I desperately wanted to understand why I was seeing this angelic realm and make some sense of all this.
It was at that time that I discovered the teachings of Chuck Anderson, a master teacher of A Course of Miracles and “Old Timer” who discovered his natural state as Light having lived “the sermon on the mount” in the practice of the mystical spiritual traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous and A Course In Miracles. Chuck spoke of a sort of “final gutting” as his mind illuminated and he found peace.
I was a recovering Alcoholic myself who lived in the mystical 12 & 12 for some time. It was in that practice that “inner light” broke out in my mind in conjunction with practicing the ACIM workbook, and the reinterpretation of defenses discussed in the ACIM Urtex.
At the same time, I discovered the curandero(a)’s or shamans of the Amazon rainforest who drank a magic brew, ayahuasca. They too experienced their own gutting and entered the world of the Spirit beyond the physical world. A medicine they called it, which cleansed you and lifted the veil of illusion of the physical world. This felt very synchronistic as I began to hear a Calling to find out for myself.
In late winter I headed to the rainforest with some members of my family and met with my first shaman, Alfredo, a Shipibo tribesman. He appeared very healthy, strong, honest, loving, and full of joy. To this day he is one of the rarest men I have met in Amazon. When I met him he did not ask me why I came. It was only after 2 ceremonies that questions started.
The first night I drank Ayahuasca nothing happened during the ceremony. I was a bit disappointed. I went to sleep after and woke up in the early hours of the morning to blinding neon green and pink light everywhere. I than spontaneously vomited over my bedside. Very confused I thought to myself, “What just happened?”, and fell asleep.
One day 2 after drinking a cup Alredo began sing, healing songs call icaros I started to feel something. I found the signing very painful with resentment. My ego saying “please stop signing, shut up!!!” I was judging so harshly. I then found parts of my body vibrating with intense energy, areas that were scared from serious injury, and other areas of tension from stress. I went through a series of mental fits, worries, and pains, in a variety of topics. I stood strong as my ego complained and did not fight the fighting. I felt disoriented and the body was jerking around violently. I was about to vomit but I didn’t. I it came up but I felt the need to hold it down and it moved from my stomach into my lower intestine. The tension in my body was melting away. I felt another calling and stumbled to the bathroom with some help. I experienced what I call a “pleasant diarrhearretic purge” of negative energy from the psychic system. It felt great!
Back in the ceremony, I found the very same music so beautiful. It was amazing. His wife and apprentice sang too, and so beautifully. Again I thought, What had just happened?” I love this music but I just hated it?
To my surprise alfredo offered me to drink another cup of Ayahuasca of which I accepted. Alfredo started singing again, the grievances were gone and I felt at peace. I began to experience a light emanating from behind me, shining from under chin and behind my head. My mind was illuminating and I realized the Light was Being. This Light is what I am. It felt so good and magical. I sat there in amazement and a sense of beautiful mystery. As I would re-discover the mind illuminated due to the lack of grievances.
The third night Alfredo said he asked the Spirits to enter the space. There were many people in ceremony. Angels began to fill the room. They appear in a blue light with a shade of white. Several of us in the ceremony saw them sharing the same visionary experience, our minds were joined! They started visiting with each person, sometimes several angels. I watched them fly around the shared space for an hour or more. Alfredo began singing and they danced in flight to his tune as the master of ceremonies. It was so magical.
The next day Alfredo wanted to speak with me. He asked me if I was sick and said I had so many angels on me last night. He explained he sees what others see with his spiritual vision with Ayahuasca. I told him I see angels. He and said, he does too. I replied I see angels without Ayahuasca working with meditation. He was shocked and asked me why I came to Peru. That it isn’t normal for new people not to vomit. Perhaps I have a Calling to be a shaman. I told him what had been going on with me. He told me to move to Peru at once and start working with him right away. I thought of my job and comfortable life back in the US. I I didn’t know how sick I still was.
By Isaiah "Kenney " 06/25/2024
Holy Earth Foundation
I am one Self - Ayahuasca Retreats
Dearly Beloved,
Today we speak of authentic corandero healing. You are a being of the Light and an extension of the Light of God. You're lost asleep in a dream of separation from God. You have disconnected yourself from the Spirit, from your soul, and the spiritual world no longer aware of the immortal reality beyond what the physical eyes see. In your slumber you are in denial of the power of your own creative mind and that you are dreaming this dream in the physical world. You have lost track of the knowledge of your own holiness, a sense of sacredness, and the depth of infinite love and care that you and others truly are beyond the ego. You see others as strangers rather than a part of you. Your life is a false representation of the faulty dominate ideas of your mind projected outward as the world you see and experience. The beliefs you have about yourself and others come to life in a reflective environment that is a unconscious lie. You are stuck in a nightmare and at times have seemingly happier dreams that never last. We are here to help you awaken, heal, and find something that is forever lasting.
I am an authentic curandero who is a skilled practitioner in the art of assisting the Great Spirit in the process of your atonement or at-one-ment. I am not a shaman in the traditional sense of the accepted word. I am a humble man of wisdom who works with the Master Ayahuasquero’s of the Amazon. We are here to help heal the mind of sickness or a perceived separation from God, from our brothers, nature, the world, and the perceived split of the mind-body connection. At times this healing does produce discomfort but only to bring the need for correction into one's awareness. There is nothing to fear in ceremony or life. If fear of healing arises it is because we are refusing to accept absolutely that healing is necessary and need not resist. Always remember not to be afraid of Unity because healing is good and dying is happiness. Only the fear, negativity, and sense of separation dies. As a person is healed they begin to leave the dream of separation from God enter a new healing dream of oneness, at-one with the Will of God putting them in touch with the natural world of the spirit, the creative properties of mind, and the joy Being.
As curanderos we use mediation, prayer, ikaros, flute, and percussion instruments to create healing songs and melodies, transmitted t us God, by the Silence, to drive mental disorders to the surface of awareness. At this level disorder can be understood out of existence with deep insights into forgiveness releasing what no longer serves us and surrendering to the present moment. Very often this is assisted with purging out negative energies by vomiting or diarrhea or both. The mystical healing ikaro songs can be experienced both as challenging and exquisite over the course of ceremony. The person's perceptions shift from a grievance, at times very intense, resisting the healing song or healing itself to acceptance, forgiveness, beauty, light, and peace. The healing song at times guide a person to out of body experiences, to other dimensions of existence, visionary realms, dream states, worlds of light, and contact with other worldly spiritual entities such as angels, ancestors, and plant spirits that are our helpers. Always because a grievance is not there to hold the mind in the body.
These songs of Light can also be felt in the body helping to shine away negative energies as they meet the power of Awareness as your Self, healing the mind and the body responds with healing. The deepest truth of ikaro mystical experience is that the problem will forever be internal where the only real solution is. Nothing external to your mind can cause your pain beyond your own mind. We must have faith and stay inside and not go outside when a problem arises. We must not separate cause from effect. We have the power to endure and let go! We can forgive our illusions! T
To understand this more join me in a ACIM passage from our Teacher.
From Chapter 31 The Simplicity of Salvation
"In every difficulty, all distress, and each perplexity you face Christ calls to you, and gently says, “My brother, choose again.” He would not leave one source of pain unhealed, nor any image left to veil the truth. He would remove all misery from you whom God created altars unto joy. He would not leave you comfortless, alone in dreams of hell, but would release your minds from everything that hides His Face from you. His holiness is yours because He is the ONLY power that is real in you. His strength is yours because He is the Self that God created as His ONLY Son. The images you make can not prevail against what God Himself would have you be.
Be never fearful of temptation then, but see it as it is; another chance to choose again, and let Christ’s strength prevail in every circumstance and every place you raised an image of yourself before. For what appears to hide the Face of Christ is powerless before His Majesty, and disappears before His holy sight. The Saviors of the world, who see like Him, are merely those who chose His strength instead of their own weakness, seen APART from Him. They will redeem the world, for they are joined to all the power of the Will of God. And what they will is ONLY what He wills.
Learn, then, the happy habit of response to ALL temptation to perceive yourself as weak and miserable with these words:
“I am as God created me. His Son can suffer nothing. And I AM His Son.”
Thus is Christ’s strength INVITED to prevail, replacing all your weakness with the strength that comes from God, and that can NEVER fail. And thus are miracles as natural as fear and agony APPEARED to be before the choice for holiness was made. For IN that choice are false distinctions gone, illusory alternatives laid by, and nothing left to INTERFERE with truth.
You ARE as God created you, and so is every living thing you look upon, REGARDLESS of the images you see. What you be‐ hold as sickness and as pain, as weakness and as suffering and loss, is but temptation to perceive YOURSELF defenseless and in hell. Yield NOT to this, and you will see ALL pain in EVERY form WHEREVER it occurs but disappear as mists before the sun. A miracle has come to heal God’s Son, and close the door upon his dreams of weakness, opening the way to his salvation and release. Choose once again what you would have him be, remembering that every choice you make establishes your own identity as you will see it, and believe it IS. " ACIM Urtext T31- H4-6