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Writer's pictureIsaiah "Kenney"

Letter for the Miracle Minded - Let's Talk Charity as Forgiveness

Dearly Beloved,

I hope everyone is well. I am now back in the US and have been recovering from COVID-19 or should we call it COVID-24, for over 2 weeks now. I'm feeling much better, however it is clear to me I had a mental virus which is still being worked out. The below I wrote on November 11th which I feel is close to the time it began to surface. I felt too ill to post later jn the week and have not worked on it since. The writing seems a bit foggy to me, not as crisp, however still has tremendous power as pure truth. I have decided not change much or refine it so I can look back during this time period, which in many ways was challenging. We learned a lot together as One Self. Darkness can never stop the Light. I trust you will enjoy it. That said, I will return to do another piece on Charity as Forgiveness after the fog leaves me.


The message of forgiveness is Atonement or At-one-ment as one Self. To accept the Atonement means to reintegrate your mind back into the Mind of the One Self, the Christ-Mind, the Mind of Immortal Light. It's a decision to leave the confines of a private mind, false autonomy, darkness, and step into Light of Oneness under the Laws of the Universal Mind. It's a decision that helps you realize the self you think needs protection is not real. An illusion you hold up by protecting it with an unforgiving mind caught in thinking, blaming, figuring, organizing, and planning about this self and others, who believes it is a body. A lie seemingly made real by living in time instead of the holy instant. Have you been exploring these ideas? If guilt is hell, what is its opposite?

A course in Miracles is a course in miracle-mindedness, which is the closest thing to co-creation in this world as an extension of God's Creative Mind, which is yours. It is illumination and what real thinking is, with no reference to the past or future as your Self. There is no time because there is no judgment or guilt, therefore only oneness in the nowness of the holy instant. I am talking about being miracle-minded and living in the golden rule. The extension of the forgiveness of God is what miracle-mindedness is and uncovers holiness as the Light of shared Being. Therefore this life is a course in forgiveness and what a miracle it is.

Forgiveness is the great healing principle. Whenever you ask what forgiveness is, you are Answered in forgiveness as a course of right or corrective thinking or learning to be in your Right-Mind with the Light, the Holy Spirit, which is the correction for wrong-mindedness, shining away the darkness As you step out of your wrong-mind you learn to Think with God an extend your Self as forgiving Light of innocence.

Forgiveness implies letting go of control of your mind and body as if you're the owner. Living from the past, personal history, and the idea of personal possession demonically possesses the mind with illusory thoughts of a fictitious personality. It denies God and results in perceiving aspects opposite to His qualities as if they were real such as limitation, fear, lack, and darkness. Every attempt to control thought, direct your own life, or the body results in being out of control or wrong-minded. Control is wrong-minded thinking, it is self-centered thinking itself, and the state of mind where you're not really thinking at all, you're hallucinating. You're Right-Mind reminds you to return to Authoritative Control or suffer the tyranny of being propelled by the parasitic thinking mind you made for yourself to live without God. To think without God is to father yourself with a mental virus of unforgiveness instead of sharing the Mind of the Father as an innocent child where everything is done for you.

Living in God’s Being and thinking truly reflects the Law of God and creation. Which means you learn to think under the Laws of God in the Spirit instead of the laws of the ego or the physical world and the body. Learn to let God think for you and the real world of luminous light is revealed in the Love of the Oneness of Being or you can keep your illusory thoughts manifested by the motivation of fear protecting your false self. The law of extension or projection is your choice. The extension of wholeness or projection of separation. A life of abundance or scarcity. The freedom of innocence or the prison of judgment with its guilty verdict upon yourself, for there is only one Self.

Forgiveness or sin, invulnerability or vulnerability, which set of laws do you believe and want? One set of laws creates the spiritual world that is undifferentiated Being which you can understand and love. The other makes the physical in the illusion of differences at war with the natural world and its laws. Do you want a mental climate of perfect safety or the harsh cold of winter and blistering Sun.

You must learn you choose the laws you wish to live by and teach others, which is how you learn who you really or stay in the becoming of something you're not. You must choose which thought system of which to organize your life and cherish as yourself. As you choose, whichever you treasure, you will co-create a dream of forgiveness or stay in hell automatically.

The ego lives to get and gives to lose. This is its idea of love. It works so hard at losing never winning a thing. Under the Law of God or Love, to have something or hold something, you must give it. So one must realize you already have everything, but you don't know it because you don't give it. Giving and receiving is the same and it is God's Being, because God's Being is extension of Self. Forgiveness means this. It means salvation, peace, love, gentleness, appreciation, and abundance is for giving. You cannot have it if you do not give it. This is the message of forgiveness. This is what salvation is for and gives you. Are you ready to live forgiven? Then you must live a life of giving!

We are here to work miracles or co-create miracles through miracle-minded thought and express forgiveness as the Love of God, there is no other. It is our function and our reason for being. To be one with the Father as His extension is your purpose here. The purpose of uncovering meaning is brought about by forgiveness and is forgiveness. What is meaning? Desire Christ-Vision and you will have your Answer. What is meaning? What is forgiveness?

Forgiveness teaches us all we need to know. Listen closely to the Voice inside your mind and hear this truth. Forgiveness is an act of Charity by the healing mind of Mercy or the Holy Spirit. Through Him extends a love encompassment of generosity from those who temporarily have more to those who temporarily have less. It is a blessing of Charity you give your brother, for to be charitable is to be Right-Minded and think with God and discover what love encompassment is and remember your true Self.

The miracle of charity is a way of seeing your brother's perfection even if you can't see it in yourself. To be charitable is a gift to those who believe they are poor without believing it or believing in poverty yourself but living in forgiving your way out of it. And all those who do not know the Light of God's Being, the enveloping splendorous light of Oneness without heat, do believe they are poor. They suffer from appetites of this or that, living to get, and believe in scarcity. Do wish to stay one or do you wish to discover Christ-Vision?

What is the Light that envelops the world? What abundance is. And what was the darkness? What scarcity is in the denial of Light. What is Light? The Light of Self, the Christ.

Together as One we are the Light of the world. The aim of this miracle is to lessen the amount of time required to see this vision of salvation, and this is done through charitable giving known as forgiveness. Join with me in giving it to recognize our holiness in others, who are our Self, and give the gift of salvation. It is how we learn to keep our holiness in our awareness, or to bring it about, as the one Self in undifferentiated Light, and not as a body. To not see through the body's eyes and believe in physical appearances, seeing others in different lights, but to see everyone under the one Light or the willingness to have this holy vision. It will be given you, as you give charitably, for it already has been given.

Let's look at the two holy healing perceptions that make this possible. We are learning what are function is.

1."Charity is away a perceiving another as if he is already gone farther than his actual spiritual accomplishments in time. His faulty thinking hinders him from seeing the Atonement for himself" by recognizing himself as Light under the heavenly Governance of the One Mind. See him as being loving and lovable. See him has never been abandoned by his Self. See him as being invulnerable. Not through the body's eyes but the eye of the Spirit.

2.Charity is the "Acknowledgment that he needs help and the recognition that he will accept it." This in no way implies judging him at all.

This act of charity sees your brother perfect; as lovable, unabandoned, and never deprived of God's luminous Being and the Mind of the Holy Spirit. He may believe he's sick, but you overlook it with willingness to see him as God created him, not as he made himself to be. Charity sees him perfectly safe forever and acknowledges the unshakable Light of Joy he gives you as you receive the message you give yourself. It doesn't limit him in any way seeing him beyond the body-mind complex he believes he is and reunites Souls in commune in Christ Church.


Much Love Everyone!

God Saves!


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