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Writer's pictureIsaiah "Kenney"

Understand the Holy Spirit as a Non-dual Awareness as your Self who Decides for you in a Vision of Light as your Self.

Dearly Beloved,

Together we travel as One Self to reach our goal of achieving Christ-Vision and ever-increasing joy in full awareness. A state of constancy in the changelessness of Mind that I encourage everyone to have as a spiritual goal. One that you hold dearly and treasure, for this goal has been given you by God. What else but a state of unshakable peace, limitless love, and true abundance is worthy of the children of God? It is a state in which sickness is impossible, because judgment, guilt, and time used to produce a false image of ourselves is no more. How is it achieved? Through the mastery of love expressed through the miracle forgiveness of God.

It's important to understand that the luminous perception of Christ-Vision is symbolic to the state of the forgiven. It is said forgiveness is your only real need because true forgiveness teaches you, you already have everything else in the remembrance of true Self. A true perception that unveils what real vision is uncovering the real world, or Reality as the Light of God, in the innocence perfect Love and irrevocable wholeness. In this Self-same gift of innocence is the recognition of your own sinlessness or incorruptibility as a child created by God. This is nothingness than a full relinquishment of the idea of attack taking us to a climate of perfect comfort and safety.

It is achieved by giving full appreciation to everyone and everything for every reason and for no reason, no longer acknowledging the ego in your brother and surroundings. A debt of gratitude paid to the world as your Self, who's worth is beyond limit, forged in the Heart of God.

Forgiveness is the gift you give your Self to find your Self as you share your Self with everyone. It is our only function here. Teach the peace of forgiveness to learn it. It is our only reason for being in this world. You have to have it to give it, and you do have it, so give it as proof to the world. Be vigilant in teaching nothing else and you will learn nothingese. Teach everyone they are the Kingdom of Heaven and discover you never left.

Does forgiveness really allow for this? Oh yes! It is the way, the truth, and the life, because it is the only real need that we all share. What a wondrous world it would be in our Awareness and in expression if the world joined in our common Goal. It is our goal at the foundation to help the world do just that. Share the Holy Spirit with everyone as your only source of inspiration and true thought. Join us in the happy little game that children play, discovering the illusion that ends all others. Such is miracle forgiveness!

There are many spiritual teachers out there in the world that say that the word attained, achievement, or goal is rather dangerous when it comes to the understanding of enlightenment. That trying to achieve prevents you from reaching what you already have. That there's nothing to attain. No goal to be realized. Don't fall for this! That isn't to say that in some context this can't be looked at from a different perspective as you discover the attributes light. Example being forgiveness and non- dual Awareness as your Self. We have already been forgiven but we are not aware of it as our behaviors demonstrate. We are already non-dual Awareness as one Self but we are busy being body. Learning you are forgiven and non-dual Awareness, a Awareness that makes Decisions for you with call the Holy Spirit, can have both short-term and long term goals. Let set a goal to understand this right now.

Learning to stand as Awareness as your Self is critical to the discovery of your Self through the understanding of the practice of forgiveness and real vision. Which is to say your understanding you are not a body or any form of corruption but a changeless Mind. It's been said that in order to discover your Self then you must be like Self. You must begin with where you will end. How true it is. Is it true for you? Let’s find out.

Such is the truth with the first and last freedom taught by Jiddu Kristinamurti I often quote. That if you want freedom at the end then you must have the freedom to look and find out for yourself, free of your own opinions and those of others. If you want freedom from the past then don't look at your conditioning through the shadow of your accumulated-self as your goal. Have the goal of learning to look at your condition fresh and new, and to allow non-dual Awareness or the Holy Spirit make your decisions for you, so you can discover Christ -Vision. Are you going to see yourself as a body or deathless spirit of awareness and light. This is your choice given you by Him. Decide with Him and heal. Decide with the ego and die, which means stay in pain.

Now let's take a journey through the direct experience of Awareness as your Self in a guided meditation. As we are journeying together, make sure we're together in asking the questions, reading the comments, and the answers. This is a dialogue we're having together in non-dual Awareness. You have to do the exercise. Just don't give it lip service. Take your time and test Reality. This is our inquiry together as one Self.

Let's start with a questing statement that you are what does not change, is still, makes no sound, has no form, has always been with you, and is common to everyone.

Q. What would you call that about yourself? Can you find that in yourself? Don't cheat!

A. "The experience of being aware" or "I am aware" or "I'm witnessing now" or "what is listening". All are good, did your find your Self yet?

All good. All of which bring us directly to the experience of Awareness as a aspect of our true Self. Let's move forward as we correct our false perceptions.

Q. Again, when do you experience awareness?

A. "Now, it's always now".

Of course it is because God is eternaly Now. He's always with you, you just didn't notice He's was there because you thought he was something outside you and the Now. Too busy not accepting the Now and pretending to be a brain. Too busy thinking about the past or the present, asleep in the egoic mind.

Q. Does Awareness have a location that you can find on a x and y axis?

A. No but it does seem to be that I am centered as a witness of what I'm perceiving.

Q. The great I AM indeed. The witnessing presence and internal listener. We must live there and learn to observe. Be the perceiver of the experience with no separation between the observer and the observed.

Can you find a border to Awareness? Does it have a location in terms of distance or time?

A. No.

Q. So it is infinite?

A. I can't find a border because it seems like spaciousness, so yes in that way, but again it does seem to be limited to what I experience in my own perceptual field. It seems private to me as my awareness or my mind.

Q. Is it possible that perhaps you are placing a limit on awareness but awareness is limitless and shared? That it is God's infinite Being and your Self? And if it is God's infinite Being and your Self it has infinite capacity to heal being limitless? Including you trying to limit it with privacy and your belief in differences?

A. Yes.

Q. What an incredible answer. Then perhaps it's worth our wild to be extremely interested and explore awareness as our top priority. We have to find this out for ourselves.

Jesus tells us the belief you are body represents a limit on awareness but you are not the body, because the body is a limit on love made to limit the limitless. You are not a body because you are what does not change remember? The limitless love of God! That's what you are right? Awareness! It's indestructible isn't it?

A. Yes. I perceive I can't touch it with anything from this world.

So was Jesus and so are you! It resists nothing. It is pure silent intelligence in the absence of thinking, which is noise. Can you see all that?

A. Yes!

Q. Wow we are getting somewhere going nowhere! You were Awareness prior to the body in the realm of the formless, you are Awareness now using the body, and will be Awareness after the body experience. You're lack in understanding this is your error and it's due to identifying yourself as a form or label, whether that be a body, a name, some title, a nationality, some sect, some religion, some division, instead of the formless incapable of division. You identified with the erroneous content of your mind and thinking in terms of form.

You can't really describe Awareness can you? Words can only point to i?. So Awareness is untainted and immaculate? That means you are too because you are that! Do you see that?

A. Yes!

Q. Welcome back to the Kingdom of We have to stop doing what's wrecking us with false identification. We are identified and attached to thinking about a nonexistent me, or the belief we are a body, a wish for specialness, privacy, and searching for things outside ourselves to make us feel secure because Awareness is indestructible and knows all because it is the Light of God.

Can we agree that wherever there's division there's conflict? Isn't that true? Take a look at the world. Take a look at any conflict you've ever had?


Q. Is division real? No. So what is conflict? Attending to what is not real! Making the unreal real and driving a sense of self from it. And we have to keep conflict, the illusioin, to keep the false self going. Don't we love our misery?

A. Yes

Q. These are the spiritual healing laws. The first step in correcting any error is becoming Aware of it is it not?

A. Yes

Q. See how important it is to rest in Awareness.

A. Yes.

Q. Awareness knows everything because God knows everything and can solve all problems. To know thy Self be thy Self. Stop associating yourself as a form identity, with thinking, intellect, and discover your shared identity as the Light of awareness as your Self. Be the formless. Be the silent.

You can't know you Self unless you are aware of your Self. Now you are being you Self by learning to just Be, and discovering your Being is Awareness. Just be aware.

The stream of thought we get caught up in is not us. Those thoughts are illusions produced by a parasite that has been taking us over. We are possessed by thought in our false identification to unconscious conditioning. It's ok. Awareness is what makes the unconscious conscious so we can watch the possessive thought and dismantle it's maker, the “I” thought in the mind. You don't even have to know how to do it. Actually, you can't. The natural Knower in you will do it for you. Some inspired effort from the Self we'll get us started. Just a little bit of willingness to stay vigilant learning to stand as Awareness as your Self. This Holy Spirit of Awareness will free us from the illusion of effort. Jesus guarantees it! Are you still willing? We're willing with God now!

Let's take another look at awareness and look at all the objects in the room. Are you aware of them?

A. Yes

Q. Does Awareness argue? Does it get angry at anything in the room? Has it ever?

A. No. It's simply lets everything be.

Q. Who is the "it"?

A. Awareness.

Q. Who is you?

A. My Self as Awareness!

Q. Good. Who does all the fighting?

A. I guess a false me, the parasite that is thinking for me. Resisting standing as Awareness. It want’s to think.

Q. Now you are Aware it's afraid to die. You are peaceful Awareness. It is going to errode that parasite or dark form in the mind. Isn't that something. A brand new life in which dying means living as Awareness. And here we thought dying meant when the body dies, but it's actually resurrection from the body identification and sickness of thinking from a center with private awareness.

Why else is the thinker arguing? It is because something is changing, which isn't you because you don't change. What is changing is your ego, and you are not your ego because your Being doesn't change. You are the Space which change happens. Now you are aware of your error and have dis-identified yourself with that which changes, which is your mind, the only place where you can exercise change. You're now changing your mind about your mind! Thank God!

This next point is really important. Awareness lives from the present Memory of God. The parasite lives from the past and in the future. In the present moment is the Light of God, His Memory shines from there. The source of illumination vision which is another aspect of identification with your true Self. You're going to have to give up letting your life be run by your own ideas and shadow self. From your own intellect. You have to change your mind. Quite literally. You have to switch from the parasitic mind you made to father you to the Oneness Mind, to discover the Lord of Light, and your Father.

The past dictating the present running our lives is a major problem. Everyone thinks this way. This is a mind that is caught in control, refusing to change. And if we don't change nothing changes. If we do change to the Universal Mind, the Holy Spirit, the Self, non-dual Awareness, luminous mind of the Singularity, the Light of God we stay sick!

What does it mean to be healthy? Stand as Awareness as your Self and let Truth make decisions for you. Be willing to give up your life filled with wrong the involvement of ego goals, of the me, mine, my, and discover a new Life with the goal of Real Vision and hearing the Voice of God! Learn to see only the changeless by learning to rest in the changeless.

Remember what you treasure and how much you treasure it!

Please enjoy the below two sections from the course text. Study them closely. They are mighty companions! If you are tired and need a break, take one and come back. If you want to challenge your tiredness, do it. Do what you need to but give them close study. Do what is asked and practice.

I'll be back next week with some beautiful insights from my own Journey over the last few weeks. Looking forward to sharing them with you!

God Saves!


From Lesson 8 of the Workbook of ACIM

"My mind is preoccupied with past thoughts."


1. This idea is, of course, the reason why you see only the past. ²No one really sees anything. ³He sees only his thoughts projected outward. ⁴The mind’s preoccupation with the past is the cause of the misconception about time from which your seeing suffers. ⁵Your mind cannot grasp the present, which is the only time there is. ⁶It therefore cannot understand time, and cannot, in fact, understand anything.


2. The one wholly true thought one can hold about the past is that it is not here. ²To think about it at all is therefore to think about illusions. ³Very few have realized what is actually entailed in picturing the past or in anticipating the future. ⁴The mind is actually blank when it does this, because it is not really thinking about anything.


3. The purpose of the exercises for today is to begin to train your mind to recognize when it is not really thinking at all. ²While thoughtless ideas preoccupy your mind, the truth is blocked. ³Recognizing that your mind has been merely blank, rather than believing that it is filled with real ideas, is the first step to opening the way to vision.

For the ACIM Text Chapter 21 - Foundation of Inner Peace Version

"The Responsibility for Sight"


1. We have repeated how little is asked of you to learn this course. ²It is the same small willingness you need to have your whole relationship transformed to joy; the little gift you offer to the Holy Spirit for which He gives you everything; the very little on which salvation rests; the tiny change of mind by which the crucifixion is changed to resurrection. ³And being true, it is so simple that it cannot fail to be completely understood. ⁴Rejected yes, but not ambiguous. ⁵And if you choose against it now it will not be because it is obscure, but rather that this little cost seemed, in your judgment, to be too much to pay for peace.


2. This is the only thing that you need do for vision, happiness, release from pain and the complete escape from sin, all to be given you. ²Say only this, but mean it with no reservations, for here the power of salvation lies:


³I am responsible for what I see. ⁴I choose the feelings I experience, and I decide upon the goal I would achieve. ⁵And everything that seems to happen to me I ask for, and receive as I have asked.


⁶Deceive yourself no longer that you are helpless in the face of what is done to you. ⁷Acknowledge but that you have been mistaken, and all effects of your mistakes will disappear.


3. It is impossible the Son of God be merely driven by events outside of him. ²It is impossible that happenings that come to him were not his choice. ³His power of decision is the determiner of every situation in which he seems to find himself by chance or accident. ⁴No accident nor chance is possible within the universe as God created it, outside of which is nothing. ⁵Suffer, and you decided sin was your goal. ⁶Be happy, and you gave the power of decision to Him Who must decide for God for you. ⁷This is the little gift you offer to the Holy Spirit, and even this He gives to you to give yourself. ⁸For by this gift is given you the power to release your savior, that he may give salvation unto you.


4. Begrudge not then this little offering. ²Withhold it, and you keep the world as now you see it. ³Give it away, and everything you see goes with it. ⁴Never was so much given for so little. ⁵In the holy instant is this exchange effected and maintained. ⁶Here is the world you do not want brought to the one you do. ⁷And here the one you do is given you because you want it. ⁸Yet for this, the power of your wanting must first be recognized. ⁹You must accept its strength, and not its weakness. ¹⁰You must perceive that what is strong enough to make a world can let it go, and can accept correction if it is willing to see that it was wrong.


5. The world you see is but the idle witness that you were right. ²This witness is insane. ³You trained it in its testimony, and as it gave it back to you, you listened and convinced yourself that what it saw was true. ⁴You did this to yourself. ⁵See only this, and you will also see how circular the reasoning on which your “seeing” rests. ⁶This was not given you. ⁷This was your gift to you and to your brother. ⁸Be willing, then, to have it taken from him and be replaced with truth. ⁹And as you look upon the change in him, it will be given you to see it in yourself.


6. Perhaps you do not see the need for you to give this little offering. ²Look closer, then, at what it is. ³And, very simply, see in it the whole exchange of separation for salvation. ⁴All that the ego is, is an idea that it is possible that things could happen to the Son of God without his will; and thus without the Will of his Creator, Whose Will cannot be separate from his own. ⁵This is the Son of God’s replacement for his will, a mad revolt against what must forever be. ⁶This is the statement that he has the power to make God powerless and so to take it for himself, and leave himself without what God has willed for him. ⁷This is the mad idea you have enshrined upon your altars, and which you worship. ⁸And anything that threatens this seems to attack your faith, for here is it invested. ⁹Think not that you are faithless, for your belief and trust in this is strong indeed.


7. The Holy Spirit can give you faith in holiness and vision to see it easily enough. ²But you have not left open and unoccupied the altar where the gifts belong. ³Where they should be, you have set up your idols to something else. ⁴This other “will,” which seems to tell you what must happen, you give reality. ⁵And what would show you otherwise must therefore seem unreal. ⁶All that is asked of you is to make room for truth. ⁷You are not asked to make or do what lies beyond your understanding. ⁸All you are asked to do is let it in; only to stop your interference with what will happen of itself; simply to recognize again the presence of what you thought you gave away.


8. Be willing, for an instant, to leave your altars free of what you placed upon them, and what is really there you cannot fail to see. ²The holy instant is not an instant of creation, but of recognition. ³For recognition comes of vision and suspended judgment. ⁴Then only it is possible to look within and see what must be there, plainly in sight, and wholly independent of inference and judgment. ⁵Undoing is not your task, but it is up to you to welcome it or not. ⁶Faith and desire go hand in hand, for everyone believes in what he wants.


9. We have already said that wishful thinking is how the ego deals with what it wants, to make it so. ²There is no better demonstration of the power of wanting, and therefore of faith, to make its goals seem real and possible. ³Faith in the unreal leads to adjustments of reality to make it fit the goal of madness. ⁴The goal of sin induces the perception of a fearful world to justify its purpose. ⁵What you desire, you will see. ⁶And if its reality is false, you will uphold it by not realizing all the adjustments you have introduced to make it so.


10. When vision is denied, confusion of cause and effect becomes inevitable. ²The purpose now becomes to keep obscure the cause of the effect, and make effect appear to be a cause. ³This seeming independence of effect enables it to be regarded as standing by itself, and capable of serving as a cause of the events and feelings its maker thinks it causes. ⁴Earlier, we spoke of your desire to create your own creator, and be father and not son to him. ⁵This is the same desire. ⁶The Son is the Effect, whose Cause he would deny. ⁷And so he seems to be the cause, producing real effects. ⁸Nothing can have effects without a cause, and to confuse the two is merely to fail to understand them both.


11. It is as needful that you recognize you made the world you see, as that you recognize that you did not create yourself. ²They are the same mistake. ³Nothing created not by your Creator has any influence over you. ⁴And if you think what you have made can tell you what you see and feel, and place your faith in its ability to do so, you are denying your Creator and believing that you made yourself. ⁵For if you think the world you made has power to make you what it wills, you are confusing Son and Father; effect and Source.


12. The Son’s creations are like his Father’s. ²Yet in creating them the Son does not delude himself that he is independent of his Source. ³His union with It is the source of his creating. ⁴Apart from this he has no power to create, and what he makes is meaningless. ⁵It changes nothing in creation, depends entirely upon the madness of its maker, and cannot serve to justify the madness. ⁶Your brother thinks he made the world with you. ⁷Thus he denies creation. ⁸With you, he thinks the world he made, made him. ⁹Thus he denies he made it.


13. Yet the truth is you and your brother were both created by a loving Father, Who created you together and as one. ²See what “proves” otherwise, and you deny your whole reality. ³But grant that everything that seems to stand between you and your brother, keeping you from each other and separate from your Father, you made in secret, and the instant of release has come to you. ⁴All its effects are gone, because its source has been uncovered. ⁵It is its seeming independence of its source that keeps you prisoner. ⁶This is the same mistake as thinking you are independent of the Source by which you were created, and have never left.

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